Water Filtration Services
In a 2018 Tribune analysis, lead was found in water drawn from nearly 70 percent of the 2,797 homes tested during the past two years. Tap water in 3 of every 10 homes sampled had lead concentrations above 5 parts per billion, the maximum allowed in bottled water by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
The report cited “alarming amounts of the toxic metal turned up in water samples collected throughout the city, the newspaper’s analysis found, largely because Chicago required the use of lead service lines between street mains and homes until Congress banned the practice in 1986.” - Michael Hawthorne and Cecilia Reyes Chicago Tribune.
The best way to protect your home water consumption and usage, is to install a water filtration system to your entire house. Einstein Plumbing has years of experience in proper installation and recommendation for the best filtration systems. To schedule your consultation, contact us or call 815-404-9473.
If you would like to check the lead levels around your neighborhood, you can find results from local testing here.
You can test your water from your home, you can find free test sampling kits here.